Sunday, May 10, 2009


I graduated from Evangel University last Friday with a BBA in Management. It was a great ceremony. We had the largest graduating class, 500 students. My family came down as well as my grandparents and Keegan. It was a great time. I graduated with honors and with cords in SIFE. It is an awesome feeling to be done, yet I am still trying to get used to it. I am sure it will hit more come fall and everyone else is going back to school and I am not. I am excited to get a job, and enjoy life! Keegan graduated from NCU on Friday. I went up to Minneapolis for the weekend and spent time with his family. It was a great weekend.

At the end of this month Keegan is moving. He got a youth pastor position at an awesome church that I cannot say the name of until April 24th when it is announced to the congregation. I am very excited for what God is going to do through Keegan. It is a great opportunity for him. I am very proud of him. He is also working on REACH, check it out It will hopefully be launching this week. Spread the word to any youth pastors you know.

As for me, I am in the middle of a transition. I am going to start looking for jobs this week and I hope to have a job by August. I wanted to take a small break after graduation to recuperate. I am excited but nervous all at once. I know that God is going to direct my steps and guide me. I am just in a spot right now where I am confused at what where God wants me right now. I thought I had everything planned out for the summer, and it seems to me that every time I have a plan, it gets changed. I am learning to be patient and just waiting upon the Lord. I have been praying constantly for God to show me where He wants me and to give me some direction as I embark on this new adventure. I am excited to see where God brings me in the next few months or even weeks!

As I left Minneapolis on Saturday, I was sooo emotional. I think it was because I was leaving MN for good. Since Keegan will not be up there any more, I will not be making any trips anytime soon. I do not know the next time I will see my friends up there. Also, I will not be going back to NCU anytime soon and NCU holds a special place in my heart. That is where I met God, where God changed my life, where God intervened for me, where I wrestled with God, where God showed me what I should do with my life, where I met Keegan, where I met all of my wonderful friends, where I served in leadership for 3 years. I never expected to get emotional, but it hit me as I left. Also, it was very hard leaving Keegan this time. I cried three times before I left. I just want to be with him and not a part any more. I hate having to say goodbye. But I know that God is making me a stronger person through this. I know that soon I will be with him. I think I am more sad because he will be moving and I will not be moving with him. I am just putting my trust in God and that is the best thing to do!!


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